To Supplement or Not?

The jury is still out on supplementation. Many supplement claims are unsubstantiated. It’s your job as a consumer to due diligence and choose companies that do the research and test their products’ efficacy. In a perfect world we could get all of our nutrition from foods. With over farming, and large scale agribusiness and food production, maintaining optimal nutrition content in foods is difficult. That said, it is still best to eat foods that closely resemble their natural state.


Studies have shown that vitamins and minerals are better absorbed with food. Sources of these nutrients naturally occur in the plant based foods we eat, so it makes sense.  If you decide to take vitamin supplements, it’s best taken with a meal.  If nausea is an issue, as it is for most people supplementing with B vitamins, taking it on a full stomach is a must! Some nutrients bond with proteins which increases absorption.  This will be seen on supplement labels as being “chelated”.  A chelated nutrient is already bound to protein to ensure better absorption, like zinc, iron and magnesium

There are also liposomal encapsulated nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin D and B vitamins to name a few. Being encapsulated in fat moves more vitamins across the cell membrane at a faster rate.  If you are deficient or sick that means a faster recovery time.  Liposomal vitamin C is said to ‘supercharge’ the immune system, due to better absorption and reduced excretion through urine.

We will continue to see new products on the market promoting improved health. Some will be based on solid research, others will lack the studies to back their claims.  It’s your job to read up on these claims and judge for yourself if a product is worth trying.  Ultimately real food is best as it is naturally balanced in the correct proportions.

Be well!

By: Lisa Darchiville

Lisa is a Holistic Nutritionist and Caterer. Through consultation, cooking workshops and catering, she demonstrates that healthy food can be healing and delicious!

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