Live & Love With HIV

Live and Love with HIV is a new blog and online community where women, partners, and couples living with HIV, and the people who love them, can come together to talk about sex, love, relationships, and pleasure. We believe it’s time to de-medicalize our sex lives, and reclaim our right to enjoy sexuality and intimacy. At Life and Love with HIV, we’re committed to providing a platform where our community can share their thoughts and stories about what it’s really like to live and love with HIV, in all its beauty and messiness. We’ve launched an incredible blog with dozens of stories from women living with HIV, and their friends and lovers. We’ve found six amazing feature writers from around the world, each of them representing a unique perspective and courageously sharing their personal challenges and triumphs. Our site is full of resources you can draw on to learn about sex, intimacy, and pleasure, and our social media platforms are full of amazing people waiting to get to know you. Whether or not you’re having sex, in a relationship, or just curious, we hope you will find something here that speaks to you. Please come join us at, subscribe to our newsletter, and follow us on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.

We’re also excited to have some of our stories posted to the ACYR blog. We hope to see you soon!

By Florence Anam, Margarite Sanchez, and Dr. Allie Carter — Florence, Margarite, and Allie are the Co-Founding Editors of Life and Love with HIV. 

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