Join Us For Our AGM

One of our annual events, like most organizations out there, is our annual general meeting. This year it is happening at the beautiful Victoria Square Community Centre and will include the usual business of agency review, summary and financials as well as community partner and volunteer awards being handed out, a dinner, and a keynote speaker. This year’s speaker is Dave Skitch from the Toronto HIV/AIDS Network and he’ll be talking about peer engagement which will be quite interesting and appropriate for the time.

red_ribbonLast year at ACYR’s event for World AIDS Day we celebrated and acknowledged the accomplishments of HIV medications, specifically referring to the antiretroviral therapy treatment, also known as ART. We had presentations delivered to talk about advancements that also included, as a result of those medications making HIV a very manageable disease, the greater and meaningful involvement of people living with HIV/AIDS (GIPA/MIPA). We had many community partners sign The Ontario Accord, a pledge to GIPA/MIPA.

ACYR has always worked to engage with our service users, but since that event, everyone from Board to Staff have worked at a re-focus on GIPA/MIPA, to present the opportunities for PHA’s to become engaged in creating sustainable livelihoods for the organization, the community, and themselves.

Something I think we should all strive for.

So please, join us.

ACYR logo

The Board of Directors of the AIDS Committee of York Region invites you to our:  ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING & Volunteer Appreciation THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2017 6:30 PM-8:30 PM

Victoria Square Community Centre

2929 Elgin Mills Rd. E, Markham, ON L6C 0H7

Keynote presentation on Peer Engagement by guest speaker:

Dave Skitch of Toronto HIV/AIDS Network


6:30 PM – 7:00 PM: Welcome (Dinner & refreshments served)

7:00 PM – 7:30 PM: Annual General Meeting

7:30 PM – 8:00 PM: Keynote Speaker

8:00 PM – 8:30 PM: Awards & Volunteer Appreciation

Free parking available.

Please RSVP by September 26, 2017 to Mark Koning at email: [email protected] or phone: 905-884-0613 x 203

Providing support and dignified care to people living with and affected by HIV/AIDS
in York Region


By Mark Koning

Mark is the Communications & Administration Coordinator with the AIDS Committee of York Region. Mark is also an Author and Blogger of Challenging Barriers and The BIST Blog. (Brain Injury Society of Toronto)

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