Giving With Cheer

Every year ACYR hosts a day-long event of gift wrapping with a number of volunteers for items collected during out Holiday Wish List program. This is a program that matches the wish lists of individuals and families who are clients of our organization, to donors from the community. After everything is put together with a touch of affection, presents and food hampers are distributed at our client holiday party.

The program is over for this year and we held our day of gifting last week. We thank all of our donors and volunteers who help make this display of generosity and kindness work.


It is always great to see those who can, helping out and giving, to those in need.

Whether one is living with or affected by HIV/AIDS, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and isolated during this time of the year. All of the cold and snow can be depressing; the lack of sunlight can be depressing. A helping and supportive hand is welcomed and appreciated at any time of the year, but during the wintery holiday season it seems to be that much more in demand.

Donating to this program helps individuals and families not only get through the holidays, but sets up the New Year to start off on a good note. A donation, no matter how big, can put a smile on a face and warm a heart. A donation can help someone grow, help them to feel accepted and loved.

It is wonderful to know that there are people out there who are caring and willing to give, I think it keeps us all going, recipient and donor.

By Mark Koning

Mark is the Communications & Administration Coordinator with the AIDS Committee of York Region. Mark is also an Author and Blogger of Challenging Barriers and The BIST Blog. (Brain Injury Society of Toronto)

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