Red for Change


Every year as we make our way toward World AIDS Day on December 1st, ACYR engages in a campaign of awareness during the last week of November, plastering Social Media platforms (Facebook & Twitter) with #RedforChange pictures.

It is a rather fun campaign to run and it is great to see friends, community partners and other businesses throughout York Region come together; Wearing it and Sharing it! The red colour of showing support, helping to build awareness and end stigma… it is heartfelt and warm. All of the different folks out there that like to get involved and snap a photo, from Mayors and Councilors to students and coffee baristas, it is truly awesome! I really thank everyone and I know that all of us at ACYR appreciate it.

Isolation is the biggest issue amongst any type of disease or disability, the feeling of being alone can make any type of forward thought or movement almost impossible. This campaign is about saying to those battling HIV/AIDS, “Hey, you’re not alone.” That kind of acknowledgement, that kind of support, is where it all starts.

These pictures show a comradery of community, a compassion of understanding, a sense of humanity. “Together we are strong…“ that is what these pictures say.

Keep your eyes drawn to Facebook and Twitter along with our hashtag #RedforChange. Join us. Show that colour red! Show your support!

By Mark Koning

Mark is the Communications & Administration Coordinator with the AIDS Committee of York Region. Mark is also an Author and Blogger of Challenging Barriers and The BIST Blog. (Brain Injury Society of Toronto)

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